
Patron Saint of Love: Saint Valentine of Rome

Thursday, February 2, 2023


Feast Day

 February 14

Patron Saint of

Love, Young People, Happy Marriages

What better way to start a blog about saintly love than talk about the patron saint of love, Saint Valentine.

Saint Valentine was a priest in Rome. He is celebrated in the Catholic Church on February 14th, Valentine's Day and is the patron saint of love, young people, and happy marriages. He is a fascinating saint, because not much is known about him. However, one of the greatest things he did was protect Christians from persecution. He would also marry Christians, because the emperor would not allow people to legally be married in Rome. Valentine knowing the importance of love and marriage continued to marry couples against the emperors ruling. These acts were serious crimes and the emperor had Valentine arrested. During his time in jail Valentine continued to show God's love to people and convert them to Christianity. The emperor himself even came to like him and agreed to pardon him if he would renounce his Christian faith. Valentine refused and instead tried to convince the emperor to put his trust in God which enraged the emperor. He told the saint to renounce his faith, but Valentine refused. On February 14, 269 Valentine was martyred. 

God worked in Saint Valentine's life to teach people how to recognize and experience God's love in their life. What I love about Saint Valentine is his love for all people. He protected his fellow Christians, but also reached out to the emperor who denied Christianity wanting to show him love as well. God's love poured out from Saint Valentine. His story shows us what true love truly is. 

In 2014, Pope Fransis held a special Valentine's Day mass wanting to imbue the day with religious significant again. Couples of all ages came to the celebration wanting to grow closer to God and with each other. Pope Fransis talked with many of the couples giving them advice and showing them love and respect. During the celebration he said, 

"Today, many people are afraid to make lasting choices. Making that last your whole life seems impossible but it can be done."

The top things I learned from Saint Valentine are:

  • Love people! Love your friends and enemies, because we are all created by God.
  • Forgiveness. Not only did Saint Valentine love all people, but he forgave people.
  • Loving people is hard, but when our love for God is above everyone else than showing love to other become a little bit easier. 
  • Don't be afraid to make choice that impact your life. It can be scary, but if you trust in God, he will bless you even if it is not what you expected.

Saint Valentine pray for us as we begin this month of love. Let us love one another, cherish all life, and forgive those that have wronged us in the past. Pray for us that the holy spirit would move in our lives as we grow closer to God. Finally, pray that we are reminded everyday of God's overflowing love that will look to him first above anyone else. Thank you, Saint Valentine, for all the things you did for God and his church. 


Who is a saint that changed your life? Write your answer in the comments below and I might highlight you on my next post!

Want to learn how to love like Saint Valentine this month check out Catholically "4 Things to remember when celebrating a Catholic Valentine's Day".